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Ralph Lauren Outlet Italia taryn preston trotted

Wodonga cup in portraits

Overall styles winner karen naughtin, concerning albury.Recycled and hand made outfits marked wodonga's fashion on the field not long ago, with contestants reaching into their wardrobes and choosing something a little Ralph Lauren Italia bit different.

Brocklesby's Ralph Lauren Outlet Italia taryn preston trotted out her grandma's white hat, gloves and jade and gold jewellery that graced melbourne racetracks more than 50 these days.

Barbara preston, 86, now has alzheimer's and lives in a nursing home but ms preston said she would have been delighted to know her daughter had dusted off her lovely old things.

Ms preston teamed Ralph Lauren Polo Flag the vintage equipments with a white cue dress, leading a trendy trend to mix old with new.

"People seem to be picking the odd vintage piece that's different.Many occurred seem to look really similar, she wanted to say.

Wodonga's lachlan murray took it a step further with a $20 Ralph Lauren Bambini suit purchased at albury's lifeline charity store.

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